Review: “Black Witch Magic” by Mila Nicks

Book Title: Black Witch Magic

Author: Mila Nicks

Rating: 4.5⭐

Release Date: October 30th, 2020

Goodreads | (Available on KU)

Synopsis: Selene comes from a long line of witches who have been cursed and treated badly by the people of the town she lives in. Aiden is famous for being a paranormal investigator with his best friend, but he doesn’t actually believe in all of this. Till fate brings Selene and Aiden together in her hometown and weird things start happening and they have to join forces to bring the right people to justice!

Review: I was first introduced to Mila Nicks wonderful style or writing and character building through her book “Love’s Recipe”. It was a heartfelt read and an absolute surprise for me. So when she announced Black Witch Magic, I wasn’t going to miss out on the chance to read this fantastic book. From when I was a kid and I watched Witches, I was fascinated by them. There was a point in my college life when I did an entire paper on the Salem Witch Trials. My professors didn’t appreciate it, but it helped me get over my childhood fear of witches. So a book about witches and witchcraft? Sign me up. 

“They were hopeless. It was more glaringly obvious than ever that they were two people lacking social grace.”

Enough about me, onto this fantastic book. Selene Blackstone is the granddaughter of a witch who has caused a bit of a ruckus in this Boston town. She’s always held responsible for things that go wrong, but honestly, she’s keeping her nose clean and her head down and getting on with her life. Selene is such a brilliant character – she works at the library, she’s curvy and she owns it, she’s a fantastic witch who is still taking time to learn her powers and she doesn’t take any bullshit. Enough of that lands on her doorstep, but she’s not interested. She’s also sassy and I love me some sassy witches!

And then there’s Aiden. He’s such a riot. Aiden’s a paranormal investigator, but he doesn’t necessarily believe in all this like his best friend Eddie. He’s more of the sarcastic sidekick and a little moody about the holidays. My favourite thing is that Aiden doesn’t care for Christmas. Which is perfect, because I’m someone who only gets excited on Christmas eve. The rest of the time? I’d be just fine without the holiday. Of course, Aiden’s reasons for not liking Christmas are very different from mine, but still.

“He hated the idea that there was a perfect woman out there for him, but Selene…”

Aiden and Selene are perfectly opposite and that’s something that I absolutely loved about their relationship. She’s all sunshine and he’s a bit of a grump around the holidays. They both love books and research and learning things and that somehow becomes their common factor. Their first meeting is cute and the subsequent ones are just as adorable. Obviously Aiden isn’t disclosed to Selene during their meetings, but when she learns who he is, her feelings for him get a little complicated. It’s safe to say that Selene doesn’t want Aiden digging into her family history for anything. Her sass comes into play quite well here and it’s interesting to see them navigate this and Aiden come to terms with what he doesn’t want and what he does want in this relationship with Selene.

There’s mystery, adventure and a whole lot of magic. It’s a spooky tale set during Christmas, so you get to enjoy your Halloween feels and your holiday feels and all together, it’s a fun read. I loved all the family and friendship dynamics. Aiden and Eddie have a great relationship and their struggles through it all also feels so real and painful, but it’s a strong bond. Selene and Noelle have the most amazing friendship that is tied together with magic, love and familial relationships. I could have enjoyed an entire book of their friendship, not gonna lie.

“Only she would think of books as she kissed Aiden thoroughly, earning a small smile out of her lips pressed against his.”

It took a while to get to the crux of it and at times, I was slightly tempted to push ahead and see where things were going. The twist was unexpected, but I felt like there was too much build-up. Exploring Aiden and Selene’s relationship was crucial, for sure, but there were parts that we could have skipped to get to the end. Either way, this was an enjoyable read and one that I would recommend for anyone looking for a fluffy, but fun read!

Thanks to Mila Nicks for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

2 responses to “Review: “Black Witch Magic” by Mila Nicks”

  1. […] which is so exciting because after the stress and chaos of everything that Selene went through in Black Witch Magic, she deserved a break! But it’s not just any random road trip, they’re going to investigate a […]


  2. […] my god, this book! I have been obsessed with Selene and Aiden since we met them in Black Witch Magic and with this third book in her Paranormal Hunters series, Mila Nicks took me on the wildest ride […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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