Review: “Space Oddities: Ground Control to Major Cutie” by Sara L. Hudson

Series: Space, #3

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: January 15th, 2021

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Trish Garret is a good girl who may or may not be wanted by the law.

A poor decision in her past has her on the run, keeping a low profile while working waitress jobs at local watering holes. But during her latest stop in Houston, she’s managed to make herself a great group of friends she’s always wanted and never had.

When a private detective shows up at her Airstream trailer asking questions, Trish takes it as a sure sign it’s time to pick up stakes and skedaddle. But with her new best friend getting married, Trish is reluctant to leave before the wedding. Biting the bullet, she asks the one man she’s had a hard time hiding her heart from for help.

NASA flight controller Ian Kincaid has spent his life second-guessing the motives of people close to him thanks to the political maneuverings of his father, a Texas state senator. But when he hears a petite brunette in a bar holler “Yoo hoo” in a southern accent thicker than honey and just as sweet, Ian starts making maneuvers of his own.

But after months of false starts, Ian thinks he and his dream girl might never be—until the day she comes calling for help.

Ian agrees to let Trish hide out, trailer and all, on his property where she’ll be free from both prying and private eyes. But only if she’ll pretend to be his girlfriend when his father shows up, intending to push his son into a politically-motivated marriage.

Between warrants, political fundraisers, nosey housewives, and drunken bridesmaids, can Trish and Ian rendezvous to love?

Or will their pasts throw them out of orbit?


“I saw you.” His lips touch my ear. “I see nothing but you.”

When we were first introduced to the crew of the Space series, nothing could have prepared me for the whirlwind of romance that I would fall into. Right from the novella till Trish and Ian’s story, Sara L. Hudson has crafted a tale so bright and beautiful, I am speechless. I finished the book days ago and I was still trying to find the right words to express my feelings about this book. Coming across this series was a gift, because I am obsessed with all things space, NASA, astronauts and contemporary romances featuring gorgeous badass women and sexy handsome men. And to find a series filled with all of that and more is perfection.

If you’ve read the rest of the series, then you’ve met Ian and Trish a few times already. Right from the start, Trish is a bit of a mystery and she likes to keep it that way. After all, she is running from her past and doing everything she can to keep the past right where it belongs. Ian has always come across as charming and determined, but also very cautious. And to finally get to the crux of what makes them who they are was an absolute treat. 

“Trish is my happy place. Trish in a bikini by the pool. Her wet skin glistening in the sun. Her pink painted toenails curled in orgasm.”

There’s so much to unpack in Space Oddities, but strangely enough that’s what adds value to the story and makes it so wonderful. Trish and Ian come from different worlds and with different expectations laid at their feet. And yet, somehow, they seem to fit just right. I love how we got to see these deep souls, their dark histories and all the ways in which they fit into the big picture. Because now, it’s mostly complete. I just want to see where Rose goes, because that woman is a riot.

Like with the previous books, the friendships are so important. Trish has connections with Jackie, Jules and Rose and with Jackie’s wedding on the horizon, you’re guaranteed a jolly good time. These women left alone are so damn hilarious. And then toss in their men and you have the most entertaining group of people. I’m a HUGE fan of books where the female lead has a good group of friends supporting her through everything good and bad. It mimics real life and that always adds value to the story and their character. And in these three incredible women, Trish has found home and her forever.

“Sometimes I wonder if he’s real or if someone polled a group of women, chose their favorite features, and created him to be the undoing of all rationally-minded women. Women like me.”

Space Oddities is packed with the humour that Sara L. Hudson has delivered for three whole books so far. It’s funny, but smartly funny, it’s witty and it’s so so wonderful. But what is really great is the steam. Oh boy, it is PACKED with so many hot moments, I had to fan myself. And reading it in the car during a road trip with someone else driving was probably a good idea, because if there was an audiobook to review, I might never have reached my destination.

Ian and Trish have so much chemistry – both physical and emotional. It’s what drives their relationship and this book. And it’s got so much heart. For someone who comes from a political background and upbringing to completely open up his arms to someone with Trish’s spotty background is a big deal. Even if Ian screws up here and there and Trish constantly makes a mess of everything. Honestly, that’s why they’re freaking perfect together.

Sara L. Hudson weaves another smart story with Space Oddities, by showing us all about NASA and balancing it with other life struggles and complications. But most of all, creating two brilliant characters with amazing chemistry and a romance that is forever.

Thanks to Sara L. Hudson for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

2 responses to “Review: “Space Oddities: Ground Control to Major Cutie” by Sara L. Hudson”

  1. […] friends group is still so wonderful! To see Jackie, Jules and Trish connect with Rose and to see Ian and Vance build their friendship – it’s all so fantastically done. I loved every familial […]


  2. […] and delicious steam that I might re-read over the course of my life, because after the magic of the Space series, I was definitely looking for more panty-melting scenes and she […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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