Review: “Hot Stuff” by Max Monroe

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: February 20th, 2021

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Have you ever seen a fireman who’s so insanely sexy you’d actually consider DIY-ing a little at-home arson just so he’d show up at your front door?

Dramatic, I know, but hear me out.

Chiseled hot body, bright blue eyes, and the sexiest smile I’ve ever seen—the first time I saw Garrett Alexander in my exam room, it took everything inside me not to do something crazy like mount him during his yearly physical.

Not only is he a total babe, but he’s charming, hilarious, and the kind of single dad that would make your ovaries explode—the total freaking package.

I know you’re probably wondering, What in the heck are you waiting for, girl? Go get yourself a fireman!

But, see, there’s one teeny-tiny (read: huge) problem—if we got together, we’d have to keep our relationship a secret.

I know. Who even am I? Some heroine in a freaking forbidden romance novel?

Let me guess, now you’re probably thinking…Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Don’t do it, girl. Don’t fall for the sexy, off-limits man. It’s not worth it.

Well, too late. I already went and did it.

And I have a feeling this fire of ours is going to go up in a big, mushroom-cloud-worthy, ball of figurative smoke.


“It’s a tough job, but I will be the Katniss Everdeen of his sexual warfare. I will nock his arrow in my bow, and I will shoot down any enemy who tries to defeat us.”

Look, I’m a Max Monroe fan through and through and I love their characters, but even I can admit their last few books were lacking in the steam department. But in Hot Stuff, they took the title literally and gave us enough and more steam to make up for what we were missing. This book is HOT, it’s funny, charming and so so good. This is the Max Monroe that I missed from the Billionaire Book Club days. Speaking of those men, I think Klein is getting very close to being dethroned as my favourite Max Monroe hero, because you guys, Garrett Alexander is downright perfect.

So you might remember Garrett from Single Dad Seeks Juliet. He’s Jake’s best friend, a hot dad with twins, newly divorced and if that’s not enough – he’s a firefighter. Ergo the name of the book. Garrett is mostly responsible for Jake and Holley getting together, so guys, you have to remember him. We only got a glimpse of him in that book, but now we get a WHOLE book dedicated to his awesomeness.

And as always, Max Monroe writes relatable quirky heroines that will surprise you at every turn. In Hot Stuff, we meet Lauren Carroll, who is a doctor and the most entertaining human ever. I swear, it’s like she and Holley were made for each other. Can we get a book just about their ramblings and their friendship? Because I’d read that and roll off my bed with laughter in a heartbeat.

“It’s a good thing he’s a fireman because there’s a good chance before this night is over, he’s going to make me combust. Surely, he’ll know how to get the flames under control, right?”

I’m getting very carried away, but guys I am so in love with this story. Lauren and Garrett have a really great meet-cute, where balls are involved, and then another meet-sort-of-cute where Thanksgiving is involved and ugh, their relationship just flows really easily. I love how one meeting is all it takes for them to just get really wrapped around each other. It’s totally lust at first sight. Their first date is an absolute delight – there’s a fish named Fat Frank involved – and there’s an experience that neither of them were expecting. But it’s great. I love that Garrett enjoys Lauren’s ramblings and instead of just brushing them aside, he humours her. She wants to skip out on a fancy dinner date to go to Petco? Sure. He does it. Garrett is completely enamoured by Lauren and I can see why. Lauren’s feelings for Garrett are also pretty damn obvious since the man is a firefighter and he’s drop dead gorgeous. So duh.

Garrett is also an amazing dad. Man, his kids. Hayden and Sarah are a treat. They are the epitome of sunshine and grump and oh my god, the sass on Sarah. They’re 12 years old and they spend most of their time shuttling between Garrett and his ex, Bethanny and Sarah is not afraid to tell her father just how much she doesn’t like this arrangement. The girl has no filter and honestly, I love that so much. Also, she’s writing a romance novel with all the steam. Guys, this girl? Brilliant.

“Single dads are hot—there’s a reason they’re a whole trope in romance novels—but it takes a special recipe to make a good one.”

There’s a catch though, because isn’t there always? Lauren’s father is Garrett’s captain and that means….this is a forbidden romance too! While a little stressful, because of course you’re dating your boss’ daughter, it’s also such a fun book. There’s not a lot sneaking around, but definitely lots of secrets. Their relationship is wonderful and it’s seamless how Lauren becomes a bigger part of Garrett’s life and his relationship with his kids. Their issues are much bigger than her dad finding out, obviously, because there are prices you pay for dating a firefighter. And yet, they both want it. They want what the other can give and oof, it’s fantastic.

Lauren and Garrett are cute, adorable and hilarious together. And they’re also incredibly hot, sexy and steamy together too. I devoured this book in one sitting, because I do that with every Max Monroe book and because I didn’t want to waste any time getting to experience Garrett’s love. This is exactly what I wanted and needed right now and as always, Max Monroe delivered.

Thanks to Max Monroe and Social Butterfly PR for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

2 responses to “Review: “Hot Stuff” by Max Monroe”

  1. […] true Max Monroe fashion, this book was hilarious. One thing you can always be sure to get with a Max Monroe book is […]


  2. […] of my favourite tropes, but they did it with style. As always. Grumpy Cowboy is the third in the Single Dad collection and if you know me at all, know that I love the single parent trope and would read every single […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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