Review: “My Almost Ex” by Piper Rayne

Series: The Greene Family, #2

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: April 6th, 2021

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In the middle of a crowded bar in our small Alaskan town, my estranged wife snuggles up to me as if we’re still a happy couple.

Don’t get me wrong, we were a happy couple—before she walked out on me a year ago. We were the high school sweethearts everyone thought were destined to be together forever. We thought so too, which is why we married shortly after graduation.

We had a good marriage. Until she left me without any real explanation.

Now, she’s back—and this is the real kicker—she has amnesia and thinks I’m still her husband. Technically I am, although the divorce papers are sitting at the lawyer’s office.

She’s desperate to remember her life in Sunrise Bay but I only want to find out why she left me. Once we conjure that memory up, it’s sayonara because there’s no second chances here. But as you probably already figured out, things didn’t go quite as I planned.

Piper Rayne have created such an amazing family with the Greene family and this series is going to be so much fun! While the first book in the series was interesting and we really got to meet all of the kids and see how the family fit into their small Alaskan town of Sunrise Bay, it’s My Almost Ex that sort of helps you feel more for these characters.

Adam and Lucy were childhood sweethearts, who got married as soon as they could. But then one day, Lucy decides that she can’t do this anymore and leaves Adam and Sunrise Bay. And Adam is an absolute mess and he struggles for a long time to pick himself back up and get out there. Just when he’s starting to date again, Lucy comes rushing back into his arms. The only problem is, she can’t remember why they separated or why everyone is treating her that way. Lucy had an accident and has lost a good chunk of her memory, and all she wants is to get it all back. But for Adam, this is painful and it’s hard, because he’d just come to terms with her being gone. Except, Lucy won’t leave again without a fight.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a romance with amnesia as a trope before, and quite honestly didn’t even know this was a popular trope. But let me just say that I loved this story so much! 

Adam and Lucy are such fantastic characters and I loved watching them fall back in love with each other. Of course it’s harder for Adam, because he’s had some time falling out of love with Lucy while she was running away and into an accident. But it was still so incredible. It’s an emotional journey, obviously, because Adam remembers everything, while Lucy is still coming to terms with some of the things that have happened to her. And it’s hard too, especially for Lucy, who starts discovering things about herself that the new version doesn’t like.

From the moment she’s back, Adam isn’t entirely welcoming or understanding of Lucy’s predicament and you feel for him. He started to accept that this was his life and he wasn’t planning on making anymore adjustments or changes. There were times when he was really harsh, but you can sense his struggle at the same time. And he’s only human, it’s not like he asked for this and chose this life for himself. It’s an adjustment and one that Adam is forced to make because Lucy chooses to stay in town and is always in his way.

Lucy…ah, she was so wonderful. I loved how as she goes through the discovery process and the journey of figuring out who she was, she starts to learn so much more about herself. More about who she was. Sure, she wants Adam back, but Lucy’s bigger mission is to understand why she left. Because once she can figure that out, everything else will fall into place, right?

As things fall into place, these two have wonderfully steamy reunions. It’s a second chance romance, obviously, so these characters are intimately aware of each other, which only heightens the steamy scenes. Lucy remembers some of her hottest nights with Adam and with every new random memory that pops up, she knows that she loves him and will always love him. And Adam clearly feels the same way. How do you stop loving someone just because they walked away when you’ve loved them your whole life?

I absolutely devoured and enjoyed this book and I cannot wait for Nikki’s story, because well, that little preview at the end of this one has me chomping at the bit for My Vegas Groom.

Thanks to Piper Rayne and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3 responses to “Review: “My Almost Ex” by Piper Rayne”

  1. […] fun and so much drama and so entertaining. We’ve already experienced the awesomeness of Cade and Adam, now we finally get our first Greene sister and Nikki is truly the best way to start. I’m […]


  2. […] but let me just say that it was great to be reunited with Hank & Marla, Cade & Presley, Lucy & Adam and Nikki & Logan! I love how their lives have evolved and the things they’re all planning […]


  3. […] in My Beautiful Neighbor, then we saw Adam (Hank’s youngest son) fall back in love with his ex in My Almost Ex and finally, we got to watch Nikki (Marla’s eldest daughter) have a Vegas wedding with a famous […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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