Review: “Black Moon Rising” by Mila Nicks

Series: Paranormal Hunters, #2

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

Steam: 🔥🔥

Release Date: April 23rd, 2021

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Philadelphia. Boston. New York City.

Selene Blackstone is finally getting the chance to explore like she’s always dreamed. Once stuck in her hometown Brimrock, with the curse broken, she’s a free witch. Together in their trusty caravan Ghost, she and her paranormal investigator boyfriend Aiden O’Hare are traveling cross-country filming for their show, Paranormal Hunters.

Their first case brings them to the colonial town Maresburg, Virginia, where the Mhoon Hotel is said to be one of the most haunted in the country. At the century-old hotel, guests experience nightmares so frightening they’re heart-stopping – literally.

Selene and Aiden only have a couple of weeks to figure out if this case is a scammer at work, or if there’s some truth to what they say: dreams do come true. And so do nightmares.

We’re on the road with Selene & Aiden in Black Moon Rising, which is so exciting because after the stress and chaos of everything that Selene went through in Black Witch Magic, she deserved a break! But it’s not just any random road trip, they’re going to investigate a haunted hotel and do an entire episode for the show!

DISCLAIMER: So, it’s important that you read Black Witch Magic (which is available on Kindle Unlimited) before you dive into this book. Aiden and Selene’s journey starts in that book, along with who Aiden is and who Selene is and why I got so excited about them leaving her hometown and going on the road! 

I absolutely and truly and hopelessly love Aiden and Selene. I love how their relationship came to be and how everything falls into place. And I also love that they join forces to do the show Paranormal Hunters and make it just as awesome, or even better than it used to be. And that’s what brings them to Maresburg, Virginia, where they’ve been invited to investigate a haunted hotel. The Mhoon Hotel has big history and there’s been mysterious deaths over the years and through different ownerships, but now, the current owner – Mr. Mhoon – wants to fully understand what is happening and he believes that Aiden and Selene can find the source of the problem.

As you can imagine, there’s only so much I can share because otherwise you would be completely spoiled for the book. But this book is definitely more mysterious and paranormal than Black Witch Magic. There’s so much happening at the Mhoon Hotel and all these characters are playing a part. Every character is a suspect and every situation is stressful. It’s like a classic mystery novel, with a whole heap of magic tossed into it and Black Moon Rising is so much fun!

I loved the depth into which Mila Nicks went to create this mystery and all the unravelling. She also delivers a much more spooky setting with a haunted hotel and this small town that isn’t exactly welcoming of strangers, but not necessarily chasing them away either. Obviously the big bad was a little unexpected and I loved all of the surprises that were thrown my way, because it made the book that much more exciting. There were even some moments when I jumped in my seat while reading, because I was so caught off guard!

And with all of this, we get to fall in love with Aiden and Selene all over again! With the first book, we got to see so much of Selene’s life and how she’s been coping and the choices she’s made. But with this book, we get to dig a little deeper into Aiden’s life and why he makes the choices he does. And seeing that side of him really opens you up to loving and appreciating him more too. Plus, Aiden and Selene are so damn cute together! I loved how much more their relationship evolved and how sexy the two of them still are. Obviously since they’re on a mission and investigating, the sexy times are a little less than usual, but they’re still so good together and I absolutely loved every minute of them falling in love.

I cannot wait for more adventures and excitement from Aiden and Selene, because as always, Mila Nicks has delivered a wonderfully mysterious and magical story that everyone needs to read!

Thanks to Mila Nicks for generously providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

One response to “Review: “Black Moon Rising” by Mila Nicks”

  1. […] all for different reasons. But if I were to choose who I’m most attached to, it’d probably be Aiden and Selene from my Paranormal Hunters series. I’ve spent the most time with them, so I know them best. Their […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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