Review: “My Vegas Groom” by Piper Rayne

Series: The Greene Family, #3

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: May 18th, 2021

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Waking up next to a stranger wearing a wedding ring was not on the itinerary.

I came to Las Vegas for a quick girl’s trip, but somehow ended up a married woman. What I thought would stay in Vegas followed me back to my small town of Sunrise Bay, Alaska.

Of course, my new husband—MMA champion fighter, Logan Stone—couldn’t find me alone at my house to tell me he wants to give our impromptu nuptials a shot. He has to tell me in front of my entire family and half the town.

The two of us couldn’t be more opposite, but he offers me a deal I can’t refuse which involves me pretending we’re happily married for three months. Yeah, a lot of things can change in that short amount of time, most importantly catching feelings for a man whose lifestyle I despise.


Ah, the Greene family. They’re so much fun and so much drama and so entertaining. We’ve already experienced the awesomeness of Cade and Adam, now we finally get our first Greene sister and Nikki is truly the best way to start. I’m constantly just waiting for the next book featuring this family, so I was beyond thrilled when I got an ARC of My Vegas Groom. Not just because of the Greene family, but because of the surprise wedding and marriage of convenience aspect of it all.

“There he goes again with this vulnerable side that tugs at my heart.”

Nikki Greene, radio host and gossip queen of Sunrise Bay, ends up married to Logan Stone, MMA champion, on a trip to Vegas. You’d think this is the best thing ever, but for Nikki, it most certainly is not. She’s never been looking for a serious relationship or even marriage (thanks to her awful father, who we all met not too long ago), so when Logan insists that they stay married for 3 months till his next fight, Nikki finds it hard to refuse. Well, she refuses, but then changes her mind because maybe it won’t be too bad, right? Sure.

I am always in love with the characters Piper Rayne create, because they’re relatable, swoony and basically really easy to love and enjoy. And it’s no different with Nikki and Logan. We’ve all experienced the wildfire that is Nikki with her radio show and talking about all of the gossip that is going on in her hometown of Sunrise Bay, so it’s nice to see her on the receiving end of the gossip and the rumours. Though, none of it is harmful or untrue, because she really is married to Logan. Speaking of which…Logan is so swoony. He’s an MMA fighter covered in tattoos, so he’s got the bad boy look down. But Logan is anything but bad boy, he’s a mama’s boy with a heart of gold and he’s so damn charming. Once you meet him, you’ll see why it was hard for Nikki to refuse his suggestion.

“You’re something else.”

“Nah, I’m just your husband.”

Their relationship (aka their marriage of convenience) is wonderful too. Logan believes in signs, fate and destiny and he believes that Nikki came along at the right time. So he’s not going to walk away without a chance. Nikki is the opposite and she laughs off his claims off fate and destiny, because she’s not one to really think that things happen for a reason. But they move back to Sunrise Bay, where Logan and Nikki parade around like a married couple for all the world to see and while she’s doing it just because it’s part of the deal, Logan’s all in. His feelings for Nikki grow with each passing day and he’s slowly, but steadily, wooing her. It’s quite incredible to see this MMA fighter do the little things for the woman he’s falling in love with. He goes from working out to charming the pants off her, quite literally, and then back to working out and training for his upcoming big fight. They’re also pretty hot and heavy and the scenes where their clothes come off might melt your kindle. I must mention that there’s a hot and hilarious scene while they’re camping that will make you spit out whatever you’re drinking or eating, because it’s so amusing.

I really enjoyed watching Logan convince Nikki that not all men are like her father and that there’s more to a relationship than what she’s witnessed. So what if her mother found love again or if her brothers have found their perfect partners, Nikki is still skeptical about love and Logan’s on a mission to change that. And like with all Piper Rayne books, we get a lot of interaction with past and future characters in the series, including Ethel and Dori, and all their friends at the retirement community. I love seeing how couples from earlier books are doing and I enjoy seeing where other couples are headed (I’ve got some theories, but I’m gonna keep them to myself), and of course, I love everything about Marla and Hank Greene, because they are the ultimate OTP of the Greene family.

Their happily ever after comes along without too much angst or conflict and while I wished there was more of a fight, I gotta say, I did enjoy what we got. And more than that, we get a glimpse into the next book, which is going to be so much fun because I have been waiting to see how Jed fares in a romantic setting.

Thanks to Piper Rayne and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

2 responses to “Review: “My Vegas Groom” by Piper Rayne”

  1. […] say that it was great to be reunited with Hank & Marla, Cade & Presley, Lucy & Adam and Nikki & Logan! I love how their lives have evolved and the things they’re all planning for themselves. There […]


  2. […] In case you haven’t read any of the books so far, a little download: Marla and Hank were married to different people, but then Hank lost his wife and Marla divorced her husband. Her husband also happens to be distant(ish) cousins with Hank. But when Marla is finally done with all divorce proceedings, she moves to Sunrise Bay and reconnects with Hank, who has always had feelings for her. They date and then get married, blending their two larger than life families. So now, not only have they raised a whole heap of kids, they even have one of their own – Rylan. So far, we’ve seen Cade (Hank’s eldest son) and Presley fall in love in My Beautiful Neighbor, then we saw Adam (Hank’s youngest son) fall back in love with his ex in My Almost Ex and finally, we got to watch Nikki (Marla’s eldest daughter) have a Vegas wedding with a famous athlete in My Vegas Groom. […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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