Review: “Feels Like Love” by Jenna Hartley

Series: Alondra Valley, #1

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: August 25th, 2021

Add to Goodreads | (Available on KU)

I’m secretly in love with my best friend’s little sister.
So, I do what any good friend would—avoid her.
At least, until my house floods, and my best friend suggests I move in with Wren.
Resisting her has never been easy.
But when Wren convinces me to be her dating coach, it’s impossible.
The more we “practice,” the harder I fall for her and her amazing son.
The more I start to believe what we have is real.
It feels like love, but is it worth risking my friendship with Wren and her brother to know if she feels the same?


I absolutely love Jenna Hartley’s stories of love, because they give you the warm and fuzzies, while also making you sweat. And while I’ve been waiting for Harper’s story, I am so giddy with love for Feels Like Love, especially since we do get to see Harper in this, even if she’s not the main character in the book.

Feels Like Love is a brother’s best friend, single parent, high steam, low angst treat for all those who love and enjoy Jenna Hartley’s brand of romance. Wren and Bennett will captivate you right from the start and make you fall head over heels for them. And let’s not forget River, who is the most adorable kid ever. There’s also a heap of bromancing and great male friendships to look forward to. All in all, this book made me happy.

Wren and Bennett have known each other their whole lives, as the best friend of her older brother, Bennett has always been a secret crush and someone she could never have. And the same can be said for Bennett’s feelings for Wren. He never saw her as the annoying little sister of his best friend, but it wasn’t till he returned to their hometown of Alondra Valley that Bennett starts to see Wren differently. Between being a single mother, a successful photographer and the sister of his best friend, Bennett has his work cut out for him.

Wren is an incredible character! She’s been hurt before, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to find the perfect partner in life. Her son is her whole world and she’s glad that he’s well adjusted to the life she leads, even if people in their tiny town seem to have opinions about River and Wren and the way they live. She’s a loving mother, an incredible friend and just a gorgeous human being. I loved how much of herself she’s willing to put out there for those she loves, because Wren believes in the power of love. But she can’t seem to find said love for herself. Despite the slim pickings, Wren decides to give a dating app a try and goes on dates with guys who all end up being duds. She finally meets a great guy, but given that Wren has zero experience with men – the man who impregnated her doesn’t count – she needs help. And that’s where Bennett comes in.

After having spent most of his life in love with Wren, the last thing Bennett wants to do is move into her house while his place is being fixed up after water flooded the entire place. And his feelings for her haven’t changed or dimmed over the years, which makes it so much more complicated. Bennett is dreamy, swoony and joining the list of great book boyfriends. As a vet, he works with animals all day and that’s already dreamy enough. And if that’s not enough, he’s really good with kids. His relationship with River (Wren’s son) is truly one of the most beautiful things ever. Bennett is a good guy, slightly misguided by his love for Wren and his need to keep his feelings a secret from both Wren and her brother/his best friend, Liam. Bennett is protective, without being overbearing. He’s loving, without being over the top. And he’s generous to a fault. He’s also a damn good cook and just really handy around the house. Which makes him absolutely the perfect guy.

Wren enlists Bennett to be her dating coach and as you can imagine, one thing leads to another and it’s all kinds of hot and steamy. What starts out as them just talking and getting comfortable together, turns into sexting and touching, kissing and teasing, and then all of a sudden, they’re tumbling into bed together. It’s a slow burn, it takes Wren a long time to really approach Bennett with the request and their first kiss will require you to sit under a fan or bathe in a tub of ice – or both. But here’s the problem – they’re just practicing for Wren to get comfortable with this guy she met on the dating app, right? Then why do they both crave each other and need each other more than anything in the world?

I won’t give anything away, but just know that while low on angst, the feels are there. And this might be one of Jenna’s steamier books, because Wren and Bennett have chemistry that is absolutely explosive. It comes from years of knowing each other and secretly pining for each other, obviously. But also from just being truly and deeply in love with each other. Their relationship progresses naturally, even with all the practice, but nothing about what they’re doing is practice. It’s absolutely wonderful!

Since it’s a new series, featuring a whole bunch of new characters (but also HI HARPER!) and a new setting, you can be sure to get more of the Alondra Valley shenanigans. I can’t wait to see who comes next, because of all of Bennett’s friends, I am most curious about Tristan.

Thanks to Jenna Hartley for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

3 responses to “Review: “Feels Like Love” by Jenna Hartley”

  1. […] here starts my KU romance reading. I found this book through Anna Reads Here‘s recommendations. Feels Like Love is a cute single mom, brother’s best friend romance […]


  2. […] Irreplaceable, we get a love story between the two unlikeliest people. If you’ve read Feels Like Love, then you already know who Harper gets her HEA with, but it’s the journey to that happy ending […]


  3. […] because we finally got to hang out with Liam, who we all loved (and got angry with, never hated) in Feels Like Love. But he totally redeemed himself with this one, because he was swoony and charming and hiding the […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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