Review: “A Moment for Us” by Corinne Michaels

Series: Willow Creek Valley, #3

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: October 5th, 2021

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CW/TW: Mentions of infidelity, cancer and parental death, on page fetal demise

I was totally over Joshua Parkerson.

Sure, I had a teenage crush on him way back when—and everyone knew it—but he never saw me as anything but his little brother’s friend, the girl who got tongue-tied any time he walked into a room.

I had long ago accepted the fact that his strong arms would never hold me, his lush lips would never claim mine, and his blue eyes would never see me as anything more than who I used to be.

But now he’s back in Willow Creek Valley, and there’s a brand-new spark between us—even he can’t fight it. Our chemistry is explosive, and every time we’re together, I swear I can feel the earth shake.

It doesn’t mean anything… how could it? I’m over him.

Until I see that little pink plus sign, and the earth stops turning completely.

Now I want it all again, a life with him. But Joshua built walls around his heart for a reason, and his secrets haunt him.

How can I show him that the ghosts of his past don’t have to define our new family’s future?


Not only does Corinne Michaels have the most gorgeous men on her covers, she writes the most heartbreakingly beautiful stories that you hold onto as you read. And A Moment for Us is no different from the emotional turmoil that we were put through in Return to Us and Could Have Been Us. The Parkerson siblings are amazing, but their love stories are incredible.

“She’s been like a shooting star in my life. She’s bright and fleeting. Something you want to touch but always evade because it’s not meant to be held still.”

The third book in the series, A Moment for Us follows the oldest brother – Joshua Parkerson and the woman that has loved him for as long as she has known him, Delia Andrews. Their love story is a complicated one, because aren’t they all? As the best friend of Josh’s youngest brother, Delia’s been around the Parkerson family most of her life and her love for Josh started pretty early on. But their age difference stopped him from doing anything, especially since his feelings for her were also pretty intense. But when Josh returns to Willow Creek, he and Delia throw caution to the wind and jump into bed together. A lot. Enough that she finds herself pregnant and thus begins the love story and the heartbreak.

Delia and Joshua are so wonderful. I don’t know why, but I loved that even though Delia is head over heels for Josh, she’s willing to sacrifice her feelings as long as she gets to have Josh in some form. And that’s mostly them naked and writhing together. Which is great for all parties involved, but also painful for feelings. Delia’s a tough woman and even though she’s holding onto the hope that one day Josh will love her the way she loves him, she’s willing to put that aside to enjoy what she can. Josh is afraid to love, he’s been through something so terrible that he’s afraid that if he loves Delia, he’ll lose her. There are instances when you want to smack Josh over the head with a skillet because he’s being silly. The love between the two is obvious in every scene and on every page, but Josh is the only thing standing in the way of their happily ever after! As the oldest brother of the family, Josh also believes that he needs to be strong and there for everyone, but he often forgets to do that for himself. He’s great, even though he can be a nincompoop (thanks Bill and Fred) a lot of the time.

“I think we deserve a little magic, don’t you?”

 “I think you’re the magic, Josh.”

The Willow Creek gang has me so hooked. I loved seeing Jessica and Grayson again, along with Miss Amelia, of course. And then to see Stella and Jack, and Kinsley made my heart full. I absolutely love the relationship the Parkerson siblings have, because they are so wonderful together and I enjoy watching their scenes unfold. We get more insight into the business the siblings are building, which we were introduced to in Grayson and Jessica’s book.

A Moment for Us is a beautiful story, but it’s also angsty and heartbreaking. It’s filled with so much love and affection and Corinne Michaels writes in such a way that you feel like you’re wrapped up in a warm blanket. And after that ending, I cannot wait to see what happens in book four!

Thanks to Corinne Michaels & Valentine PR for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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