Review: “Find You Again” by Ava Hunter

Series: Nashville Star #2

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: January 3rd, 2022

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Nashville’s pop-country princess Alabama Forester is drowning in debt and a bad reputation after a tabloid scandal gone off the rails.

In fact, her entire life’s gone off the rails. Without a manager, she’s working at a podunk diner unsure if she’ll ever record another song again. That is, until she’s offered the chance of a lifetime: join country-rock bad boy Griff Greyson on tour and pay off her debt.

It should be easy.

Except it isn’t.

Because Griff, the boy who broke her heart all those years ago, is now a man. A rough and rowdy rocker, with a muscled, tattooed body, and tawny-colored eyes that have her wanting to break every rule in the songbook.


Country hellraiser Griff Greyson is trying to get his music career back after being arrested for disorderly conduct. The last thing he needs is bruised and beautiful Alabama Forester on his tour.

The girl he gave up for the spotlight.

The woman he still loves.

He vows to stay away from her. Vows to keep the real reason he left Alabama all those years ago a secret.

Now, on a whirlwind tour across the United States with hot tempers and even closer quarters, sparks fly whenever they’re on stage together. But when Griff’s old rock-and-roll lifestyle puts Alabama’s life on the line, both discover they could lose everything—before they ever really had it.

When I read Sing You Home earlier this year, I was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful world that Ava Hunter had created. In her debut, Ava had also introduced us to Alabama and Griff and both of them came out of that first book not so great. Griff was the bad boy of country music that hurt the Kincaid Brothers’ music, while Alabama was the bad girl of country, kissing married men and causing havoc. While I didn’t hate the characters, I definitely didn’t have any warm feelings towards them for the choices they made. Except, Ava took two broken characters and whipped up an incredibly emotional and beautiful story that had me grasping for more when I finally got to the end. You are not going to be prepared for what awaits you in this book, because Ava Hunter took things to a whole new level with Find You Again.

Alabama and Griff’s story is an emotional one; it’s about second chances in love and life, it’s about taking control of your choices and the life that you’ve been given, it’s about loving yourself and the best person you ever knew. It’s so much more than a country rockstar romance—though the rockstar angles plays really well into the story—it’s a story that will make you smile, swoon and sob all at the same time in some instances. It’s hot, it’s intriguing and also a little suspenseful.

Even if you haven’t read Sing You Home, you get a little bit insight into Alabama Forrester. Young and talented, Alabama was slated to be the next best thing in country music when she was manipulated and dragged into a scandal she wanted no part of. But that one move put her in the crosshairs of the industry and she ran away, getting as far as she could from the life that she thought she wanted. Now back in her small hometown of Clover, Texas Alabama is trying to make sense of what her life has become. She’s working at the town bar, she’s barely making ends meet and she’s miserable. Alabama thinks that’s the lowest she can go till Griff Greyson shows up at the bar and makes her a proposition she really should refuse. See, Alabama and Griff have history—the falling in love and falling over yourself kind of history—and when Griff left, he broke Alabama’s heart in the process. She’s never forgiven him and for Griff being around her makes him want and do irrational things. But Alabama agrees to go on tour with Griff if for nothing other than to make some money and maybe even perform again. Little do they know that touring is not the only thing they’re going to be doing together.

“Because Alabama’s different. She’d never be just another girl to Griff. A long time ago, she was his girl. One he loved and then left in Clover.”

I loved these two so hard. Individually and together. Ava took two characters we frowned at in the first book and made them incredible in so many ways. Alabama is such a badass and Griff is a deliciously broody playboy who is so good, you can’t help but love him every step of the way. Alabama is a tough woman, she’s been through so much and she’s fought like hell to come out the other side stronger. I loved so much about her—her confidence, her independence and her strength—and I also wanted to cuddle and protect her from the world. Alabama doesn’t take any sh*t from anyone, she knows her worth and she’s gonna fight like hell for it. She’s loyal and faithful, taking care of those that mean something to her, and Alabama constantly puts everyone else first. She’s the kind of heroine you fall in love with as soon as you meet her and it’s obvious why Griff loves her as well.

On the surface, Griff is all bad boy and smooth talker, charmer and rockstar persona, but I loved how layered he was. His love for music is strong and while he knows that he’s playing a character when he’s on stage, his love for the music and what he’s doing is palpable. And then there’s the way he loves Alabama. Griff is not what everyone thinks he is and while he plays into that, he’s so much more. Griff doesn’t adhere to the rules set by the bad boy manual and that’s one of my absolute favourite things about him. He is a bad boy because he enjoys the wild life and he’s slept with more women than he wants to acknowledge, he drinks like a fish and sometimes behaves badly, but he’s so much more than that. And it definitely takes Alabama showing up to make him realise just how much of himself he was hiding behind the act. He’s generous and kind, a gentle giant at times and my favourite thing about Griff? He protects those who mean the world to him and he will do whatever it takes to make sure everyone else knows it.

I don’t think I have enough words for how beautiful their relationship was. There’s a lot of push and pull, there’s a lot of trust and love to be earned after the way things ended. But it wouldn’t be a second chance without all the fighting and yelling and delicious sexual tension. And my god, there’s just so much great sexual tension, it made me happy as heck. They both want each other, but they’re refusing to give in just because it’s the easy thing to do. And they fight at every turn, taking risks with each other, pushing the other to admit things they’re not really ready to talk about and falling back in love with each other. Because of their past romance and their deep seated love for each other, the connection that they have now as adults is so much stronger and clearly so much better. You can see just how much it translates into who they are at the point we meet them. And, please, let’s not forget just how HOT this book is, because all that sexual tension has to manifest somewhere, doesn’t it? Get cold water and a fan to keep you company as you read!

Officially obsessed with everything Ava Hunter and I can’t wait for more. I can’t wait to see who else we get from Nashville, how many more stories she’s got up her sleeve and what else she’s going to treat us to, because if these first two books are anything to go by, we’re in for an incredible treat with all of her stories.

Thanks to Ava Hunter for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

One response to “Review: “Find You Again” by Ava Hunter”

  1. […] Luke and Sal (from Sing You Home) again, but most of all, being around Alabama and Griff (from Find You Again) one more time. This book takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings before finally […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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