Review: “Beg You to Trust Me” by B. Celeste

Series: Linden U #2

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: January 5th, 2022

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CW/TW: Sexual assault, bullying, and harrassment on a college campus

When I decided to move across the country for college, I thought it’d be the perfect chance to reinvent myself.⁣

But then one party changed the course of my entire freshman year.⁣

And just when I think I’m about to drown in the foggy memories of my night spent partying at the football house, Daniel Bridges walks into my life.⁣

Lindon University’s wide receiver.⁣

A total flirt. And a total threat.⁣

Because he can help take away the memories I do remember from that night.⁣

What I don’t anticipate from the witty football player is the friendship we form as the months go on.⁣

Or how easy it is to fall for him as he teaches me how to trust again…and so much more.⁣


I always told myself that I didn’t enjoy the really slow burn romances, but there’s something about the way B. Celeste writes that complete captivates me. I struggled a little with Dare You to Hate Me a few months ago, but when I started reading this one, I couldn’t put the book down. And I credit all of that to the presence of DJ Bridges and just how incredible a character he was. If you’ve read the first book, then you’ve already met and fallen in love with DJ, but nothing will prepare you for the moment you meet him in his own book.

Beg You to Trust Me is a fantastic college romance that will tug at your heartstrings while tackling some pretty heavy topics. It’s so much bigger than a story about two college students finding love—it’s about finding yourself in this big bad world, and allowing yourself to enjoy the little and big things. Skylar and Daniel were such great people to lead this story too, because I was hooked right from the start and almost didn’t want the book to end, but at the same time, I really needed to know where things were going!

The two main characters are complete opposites, but at the same time they have a lot more in common than they realise. Skylar comes from money and is doing the best she can to live her life without that part of her world overtaking everything and every choice she makes. She’s never felt like she belonged with the other girls and that struggle is something that weighs her down through the book. I had a complicated relationship with Skylar as I read the story, but once we really get to know her and understand her choices, falling in love with her becomes easy. She’s a complicated woman, but she’s also very straightforward and clear about what she wants. She wants to fit in, but is also stubborn about letting go when she doesn’t fit the mold and that’s very relatable. I love that once she meets Daniel/DJ, we get to see a completely different side of her and honestly, that’s my favourite version of Skylar.

Speaking of Daniel/DJ—in book one, we met him as DJ because that’s what his friends and the guys on the football team call him—he’s such a charmer. We saw him through Aiden and Ivy’s eyes in the first book, but nothing could have prepared me for just how wonderful he would be when he got to really put himself out there. A flirt and a charmer, DJ is the wide receiver for the Linden University football team. He’s handsome, popular and all round great. All the girls want DJ and all the guys either want to be him or be his friend. DJ is your typical big man on campus, but at the same time, he’s a soft teddy bear. Other than Caleb, DJ might be my favourite of the football guys but I’m definitely curious to see what the others might get upto. 

Their relationship is complicated, but I love how patient DJ was with Skylar. It’s a slow burn, friends to lovers situation, but I’d also like to point out that DJ falls first. Skylar’s lack of trust in people and her need for self-preservation keeps her from letting DJ in. As a freshman on campus, she’s already been through something traumatic that shakes her up constantly. And it takes her time to really accept that maybe DJ is exactly what she needs. While complicated, I loved their relationship. I loved how real and honest it was, I loved how even the chaos and drama they deal with is so hard to wrap your head around. Their relationship starts really slow with Skylar not trusting DJ, to her accepting him as a friend to them becoming each other’s person and then falling in love. I admired DJ’s patience and his constant support to help Skylar through everything that she’s dealing with. One of the best parts about this book was the growth. And it wasn’t just in their relationship, it was as individuals. Because as they grow as people, their relationship evolves as well and it was absolutely beautiful.

Through the course of these two books, I fell so hard for Raine and Caleb and I really need to know their story in as much detail as possible. That epilogue broke me just a little. Also, Olive was such an incredible supporting character and I can’t wait to read her book next, because she was such a ray of sunshine through this story.

Thanks to B. Celeste & Grey’s Promotions for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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