Review: “Sincerely, The Puck Bunny” by Maren Moore

Series: Totally Pucked #2

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: January 5th, 2022

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Spoiler alert…
Briggs Wilson, the NHL’s most notorious bad boy isn’t actually who everyone thinks he is.
He’s kind, compassionate, loyal.
And plot twist?
The best baby daddy ever.
Yep, you read that right.
One night.. One mind blowing night that ended with me having a baby with someone I barely knew.
We had a plan.
Co-parent, raise our son and put him first. Always.
Too bad I never considered actually falling for my charming baby daddy.
Even better?
He wanted our family, more than anything.
The problem?
I have a secret.
One that could destroy everything.

The Puck Bunny


I have a very complicated relationship with this book. I really enjoyed it, but I also didn’t. It’s a weird place to be, so keeping that in mind, I’ll make this a short review.

In Sincerely, The Puck Bunny, we finally get to spend quality time with Briggs Wilson. He’s incredible, there’s no doubt about that. I think all the guys from the team are going to be brilliant in their respective books. Briggs has created quite a reputation for himself with his temper and his behaviour on the ice and just choices he’s made over the years. And thanks to The Puck Bunny—an online gossip blog for all things hockey—Briggs’ reputation has been dragged through the mud. It’s not great for him at all. So to give him some reprieve and to catch his breath, his agent books him a stay on Lake Geneva where not only does he get to just unwind, there’s minimal connectivity and he gets to really shut off from the world. Except, Maddison crashes into him quite literally and turns that upside down in all the best ways.

The first half of the book—which is when Briggs and Maddison meet—is all kinds of hot, it’s also cute and it’s so much fun. I loved watching these two together. Briggs is a charmer and Maddison is adorable. Their relationship builds over a bottle of tequila, some skinny dipping and the hottest kiss of both their lives. The inn where they’re staying is owned and run by Maddison’s grandmother, so it’s practically her home away from home. And together, these two get up to all kinds of crazy shenanigans. Most of those shenanigans involve very little clothing and in true Maren Moore style, you get some really good steam. Their chemistry and their connection really worked wonders for me and I absolutely enjoyed watching them fall in love without realising that’s what was happening.

The second half of the book takes place nine months after this amazing weekend Maddison and Briggs have. As you can tell from the blurb, Maddison is pregnant and ready to pop and after trying to get in touch with Briggs about the baby, she’s decided to do things on her own. So this is where my biggest issue with this book arises…. 


From the beginning, we know that Maddison is the infamous Puck Bunny. It’s her big secret and it’s not even a secret from the reader, but the fact that she kept that from Briggs through the WHOLE book annoyed me. I would have appreciated if she had told him the minute feelings started getting involved and I think they could have handled it like adults, instead of the way it all came together. There were so many instances where Maddison could have said something, anything, everything and she didn’t. And that wasn’t okay with me.

All said and done, the first half of the book gets all my stars and the scenes between Briggs and his teammates were also so great. I love the bromance between them and to see them all grow up through each book really makes it special. 

Thanks to Maren Moore & Wildfire Marketing Solutions for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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