Review: “Sweet” by Adriana Locke

Series: Landry Family #6

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: February 28th, 2022

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CW/TW: mentions of the foster system and adoption, mentions of characters with substance abuse problems

Chemistry is not another word for love.

That’s what my boss, the grumpy single dad with brilliant green eyes, says anyway.

I have my V-card. He’s ten years older than me. I work for him.

Nate Hughes has a million reasons why a relationship between us would never work. Honestly? It’s all a farce.

He can’t deny the sparks when we’re together. His soft smiles, brief touches, and protective behaviors come too easily. And when I need a place to stay? He can’t stop himself from offering me a room—though I’d prefer his bed.

Our forced proximity brings things to a head. Our shared experiences and traumas draw us closer. Our undeniable attraction has us toeing the line between friends and lovers—whether Nate likes it or not.

He’s right—we do have an intense chemistry. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t fall in love with him … even if he can’t love me back.


I’ve been really excited about this story ever since Adriana Locke started hinting about it and finally when we got to Resolution (the final book in the Mason family series), I was so excited to see all of that come full circle! I loved Hollis in The Relationship Pact, so to have him in this book made my heart really happy. And now, I can’t wait for the Carmichael family series, because that means we get more Paige and we get to soak up another awesome family that Adriana is creating. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, her family dynamics and series are some of my absolute favourites.

Sweet follows Paige Carmichael and her constant flirting with her boss, Nate Hughes. Ever since she started working at The Gold Room, Paige has been quite openly flirting with Nate. But he’s always held himself back. Between being Paige’s boss, running the business and raising his son, Nate doesn’t have time for a fling. He’s done that too many times and Ryder (his son) gets too attached to the women he dates, so now Nate’s decided that when he brings someone home, she’s going to be a permanent part of their lives. Except, when Paige is evicted from her apartment and Nate finds her camping out in his office at the bar, he agrees to have her live with him. Which is a bad idea in every way, because even though he’s been holding himself back, his attraction towards Paige is very strong and undeniable.

“I always thought I needed to find someone to share my life with. But it was the opposite.”

“What do you mean?”

“I needed to find someone that I couldn’t live without.”

There were so many great things about this story and so much that I absolutely loved. For starters, can we please talk about Ryder Hughes and just how stinkin’ adorable he is. I love all the nicknames he gives people he loves and just how hilarious he is. At 7, he’s probably the sassiest character in this book. I really loved the relationship between Paige and Hollis, because if you’ve read The Relationship Pact, then you know just how long Hollis searched for her and almost gave up a few times. So to have them reconnect and build that sibling bond was so wonderful. I really liked the little teases we got for the Carmichael family too, because with those brothers getting their own books it’s definitely bound to be really fun and exciting too!

Paige and Nate are great leads. They’ve both gone through so much in their youth and the fact that they’ve come out of it as these strong people is not something to ignore. Their relationship is a mixture of playful teasing, dirty teasing and a whole lot of steamy moments. One of my favourite things about their relationship was how much Paige teases and edges Nate, watching him almost crack but catch himself and step back. And how when they finally throw caution to the wind, it becomes really hot and beautiful. I’m not sure if I liked the conflict, but I have to say that the characters calling out the miscommunication trope is always a big win for me LOL. The steam, while completely an open door romance and hot as hell, was so soft! I’m always worried how virgin heroines are going to be portrayed and what their first time will be like, but Nate was SO SOFT. That entire scene made me go awwww and I loved how gentle and kind he was, ensuring that she was ready every step of the way.

Adriana delivered this story with a punch and it made me realise that I really need to read the rest of the Landry series, because we got to see quite a few of the characters over the course of this book and I liked what I saw! I need more, obviously!

Thanks to Adriana Locke for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

One response to “Review: “Sweet” by Adriana Locke”

  1. […] reading Sweet, where we met Paige and were briefly introduced to her adopted family, I was really excited to meet […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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