Review: “Moments in Time” by K.K. Allen

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: June 24th, 2022

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CW: mentions of divorce, mentions of sibling’s death (both past)

Jamison Bexley is the one who got away.⁣
If only I hadn’t pushed him.⁣

Seven years ago, he was my everything.⁣
My confidant. ⁣
My safe haven.⁣
My best friend.⁣
However, dating was never an option.⁣
Not when his eyes gravitated toward every girl in town but me.⁣

That is, until the curse of bad timing found us both… and struck.⁣

All it took was one night.⁣
One big mistake.⁣
Altering everything we could ever be.⁣

I’m still paying for my sins all these years later.⁣
Life has been downright cruel.⁣
I’m working countless hours trying to hold onto the pieces of my shattered dreams.⁣
Determined that nothing will keep me from my end goal.⁣

Until Jamison struts back into our small town and gets a firsthand glimpse of my life.⁣
Suddenly, he wants to be my knight in shining armor.⁣
But I don’t need a savior.⁣
Those moments in time are long gone.⁣
And he’s about to realize why.⁣


I love going back to Camp Bexley and with Moments in Time, we get to explore so much more of the camp. Plus, we get to reconnect with Hope and Anderson from Weight of Regret. One of the things I’ve always liked about KK Allen’s storytelling is the lyrical, almost poetic style of it, and thai one delivered that as much as the other books have. It was soothing to sit back and read, enjoyable and easy to flow through.

In Moments in Time, you’ll find:

✨ best friends to lovers

✨ second chance romance

✨ single parent

✨ interesting family dynamics

✨ exotic dancing

✨ all of the feelings

✨ an adorable little kid

✨ a man willing to give it all up

✨ a woman fighting to keep it all

Jamison and Violet have a complicated relationship, mostly stemming from their past and the history they share. It took me a while to really connect to these two in terms of their romantic relationship, but I absolutely enjoyed watching them push and pull and fight through everything else that’s in their way. I loved seeing how they navigate their shared history and the pain they’ve both been through, I liked seeing how it was affecting even the littlest thing in their lives, without their realisation.

Violet’s going through so much as the book progresses that all I wanted to do was protect her the whole time! Plus, Brayden is truly an incredible kid and I loved just how much he brought to the story. While Violet made me feel a whole lot, I didn’t instantly connect with Jamison and it took me some time to really understand him as an individual. I still enjoyed seeing him trying to live two lives, trying to be there for his family and Violet, while also being available for the business that he started in the city.

I am definitely intrigued by Benson, because I feel like he’s the Bexley brother who has gone through the most. But I also want to know more about Cayson and how that’s all going to work out! 

Thanks to Wildfire Marketing Solutions for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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