Review: “The Redo” by Max Monroe

Series: Winslow Brothers #4

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: July 17th, 2022

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CW: mentions of death (past), mentions of infidelity (not mains, past), getting stuck in elevators

Put a finger down if you’ve ever been a single woman who got stuck in a New York City elevator in the middle of a summer blackout with your former high school sweetheart—whom you haven’t seen in years—while pregnant with a baby that isn’t biologically yours. And you can’t believe how handsome that blast from your past is, so you unwittingly flirt with him a little even though your life is so crazy complicated you’re barely keeping your head above water, but everything about him makes you think you could totally still be in love with him.

*puts a finger down*

What? Just me?

Needless to say, my current status is thorny. And no, I didn’t miss how close that word is to another one.

Even though he’s the epitome of tall, dark, and incredibly handsome, Remington Winslow has been a single bachelor for most of his life. It’s clichéd and basic—until you consider the fact that once upon a terrible time, he got left at the altar.

He doesn’t do relationships. He definitely doesn’t fall in love.

And I’m just trying to survive a tangled web of unexpected motherhood and running one of the top real estate firms in the city that never sleeps.

He’s the jaded guy who doesn’t want to settle down, and I’m the career-focused woman with more baggage than a 747 can hold.

We’re just two friends who used to be in love.

Now, if someone would tell my hormones I’m not a teenager anymore, I’d be set.


Did I spend my Wednesday shirking all responsibilities and reading this book? You bet your ass I did. And I have zero regrets. Because Max Monroe definitely saved the swooniest and the best of the brothers for the end. Though, to be fair, I love Flynn (from The Pact) the most still, but Remy is almost sharing that spot. This book made me laugh, sigh and just swoon a whole lot and that’s exactly what I love about Max Monroe’s books. You’re so rarely bored!

In The Redo, you’ll find:

✨ second chance romance

✨ friends to lovers

✨ forced proximity

✨ a delicious slow burn

✨ the eldest winslow brother

✨ a hardworking, badass real estate queen

✨ winslow family shenanigans


✨ so many feels!

Max Monroe basically wrote this book for me with all of the tropes and all of the swoon. I’m such a big fan of friends to lovers, so obviously this was right up my alley. And then toss in one of my favourite tropes of all time, second chance, and I’m basically putty in your hands. I’ve read and loved all the Winslow brothers as their books came out and I was always so curious about Remy, because he got the short end of the stick with Cleo and her fortune telling all those years ago. And I felt so bad, I wanted to protect him. But when we got to the end of The Secret and we saw Remy step out of the elevator with Maria, I rejoiced! I loved that the story shifted between the present day and their past, giving us enough of a glimpse into understanding Maria and Remy’s connection to each other. And their bond, guys…it was so beautiful!

Maria’s pregnant when she crosses paths with Remy again and between being run off her feet because of her job and trying to hold it together through the pregnancy, getting trapped in an elevator with the only man she’s ever really loved is a kick in the stomach. Somehow, Remy proves to be everything he was back when they were teenagers and continues to deliver on the swoon and the kindness. For Remy, after being left at the altar 14 years ago, he’s a little jaded about love and relationships. One night stands are fun and enjoyable, but running into Maria again and being forced to spend all that time with her in an elevator awakens all the feelings he thought he had shut down.

There were so many things I loved about this book and I really want to be careful not to give too much away. But just know that Remington Winslow is the most generous man in the family. The way he steps up for Maria every single time, how he’s always there no matter what. How he seeks her out even when she’s trying to do things on her own. I loved that even though Maria wants to do things on her own and probably can, Remy still gives her the opportunity to not do it all. He never belittles her need to have control over every minute of her life, he just encourages her to take it a little easier. And Maria, what a strong character. She’s been through so much and lost even more, but she’s still got her head held high and she’s powering through. Maria’s job has always come first and her struggle to find the balance between her old life and the new one really shakes her up. But she does it and I admired her for it.

“It goes without saying that I still care about Maria, but I don’t think you ever stop caring about the first person you fell in love with. And young Remy Winslow was obsessed with Maria Baros. Consumed by her. In love with her. At one point in my life, she was everything to me. All of that mixed in with the now makes it hard to distinguish my current feelings.”

If you thought you got a lot of Winslow shenanigans in the first three books, you were mistaken. Everything is turned up in this one, simply because Remy’s the last of the siblings to get hitched and the others are all insufferable about it. I loved seeing the brothers again and I loved seeing Winnie and Wes. As always, Thatcher delivers on his awesomeness. But you know what I loved the most? There’s this one scene between Remy and Flynn at a carnival and guys…the amount I laughed during that scene was kinda crazy. 

Unlike the first three books, this one isn’t as steamy and wild. It’s more about the emotional connection between Maria and Remy and honestly, I’m here for it. I loved how they slowly built trust and how their pasts tied in with their future and how every minute they’re together, it all just makes sense. The forced proximity offered a healthy dose of intense feelings which later turned into some sexual tension, but seriously, the emotional connection and chemistry had me in its grip and I never wanted it to let go.

I can’t believe this is the end of the series (I need to read the extended epilogue to see if there’s something waiting for me in the future), because I have loved spending time with the Winslow family and I can’t wait for more!

Thanks to Social Butterfly PR for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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