Review: “Sin Bin” by Teagan Hunter

Series: Carolina Comets #4

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: July 21st, 2022

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I should stay away.

Emilia Anderson is the team’s social media manager, and there are strict rules about not fraternizing with the staff. It doesn’t matter that we already accidentally broke them—we can’t let it happen again.

Besides, my time in the NHL is winding down, and this is my last shot at winning the Cup. I need to focus on the game, not some girl I have no business chasing.

She’s ten years younger than me.
She’s the assistant coach’s niece.
And she works for the team.

She’s off-limits…and too hard to resist.

I know better than to play this game…

But it looks like I’m heading to the sin bin.


I have nothing but love for Teagan Hunter, so it surprises nobody that I am in love with and obsessed with her Carolina Comets series. Every book in the series has Teagan’s brand of humour and steam, and let’s not forget all of the hilarious and entertaining friendships and text messages. These are four things I’ve come to expect with her books and she delivered yet again. And I could not have started my weekend better than I did by picking up my ARC first thing this morning. 

Sin Bin has:

✨ a hockey romance!

✨ grumpy x sunshine

✨ second chance-ish

✨ so totally very forbidden

✨ a ten year age gap

✨ workplace romance

✨ incredible friends

✨ delicious dirty talk

✨ off the charts steam

When we got a hint of Emilia and Smith in One-Timer, I was desperate to know more. As the eldest member of the Comets, Smith’s known for his grumpy personality and his bachelor status, but also just being a really good hockey player. He doesn’t need much, because he’s doing fine with what he has. Emilia is young, hardworking and incredibly passionate about her job. And now that she’s set up for the promotion she’s always wanted, Emilia has to not only prove herself, but also keep her nose clean. And that’s something she’s finding hard to do when every time she crosses paths with Smith, all she can think about is the very hot and steamy weekend they shared together two and a half years ago. And worse still, the new memo going around the Comets office strictly prohibits players and staff members having any kind of relationship.

I freaking loved Smith. Which is also not much of a surprise since all of Teagan’s heroes are phenomenal. But Smith is truly the best of the Comets so far. He’s grouchy and silent and broody and grumpy, but he’s also a respected member of the team. Everyone likes him and respects him, they also love making fun of him and teasing him, but he’s just generally a good guy. Smith keeps a low profile and everything he does for other people is not for the fame or the fortune, but because he wants to help them. I love when grumpy heroes have a soft and squishy centre, it makes them so much more appealing. I also definitely appreciated the fact that not once did he claim to not wanting Emilia, he was just not sure a relationship was what was right for him, and the minute he lays eyes on her again…all bets are off.

“It was never just sex. It’ll never be just sex. I wish it could be. I really do. Because I can’t forget you, Emilia. No matter how hard I try…I can’t.”

Their relationship was insane. Think friends with benefits turns to lovers with a whole heap of forbidden thrown in and you have the romance that is brewing between Smith and Emilia. But that’s not all. Nope, Teagan took things up a notch in this book. We hit the ground running with the steam and the sexual chemistry (and tension, let’s be honest) and the way Smith handles and manhandles Emilia is just so flipping hot! A dash of praise kink and a lot of commanding just increased the steam in this book to a whole new level and I was not mad about it. I loved that it took a certain amount of trust and confidence in each other to do the things they did, but that’s what made it all so special and I loved every minute of it.

It was so great seeing Harper and Collin (from Puck Shy), Ryan and Rhodes (from Blind Pass) and Hollis and Lowell (from One-Timer) again, especially given how many group scenes we got and how damn special all of them were. And let’s not forget Miller and his chaotic antics, plus, I’m very curious about Greer now. So I’m looking forward to a whole lot more Comets books in the future!

Thanks to Valentine PR for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

One response to “Review: “Sin Bin” by Teagan Hunter”

  1. […] build of their relationship was the kind of stuff that I love in all my love stories. If you read Sin Bin, then you already know that Miller makes a mess of his ‘first official’ meeting with Scout […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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