Review: “Garnet Flats” by Devney Perry

Series: The Edens #3

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: July 26th, 2022

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CW: mentions of violence, blackmail and threats 

Talia Eden loved Foster Madden for one year, two months and eleven days. It was on day 438 that her love died. The day he chose to marry her best friend. The day she vowed never to think of Foster again.

Until years later when he has the audacity to show up in her small hometown of Quincy, begging for her help.

The ink on his divorce papers is barely dry, yet he comes armed with apologies and promises. She knows it’s all a ploy. Foster is the king of games and secrets. But he’s got delusions the size of Montana if he thinks she’ll help him train for a world championship fight.

Except Talia has forgotten exactly what made Foster famous. The man has dedicated his life to victory. He’s steadfast. He’s determined. And he won’t stop fighting until he’s won her heart.


When it comes to Devney Perry’s books, I know that she can take almost any trope and put her own spin on it. And do a fantastic job at the same time. So nothing about Garnet Flats surprised me. I love a good second chance romance and I love a hero that has to grovel, so the combination really won me over. Sure, I wasn’t instantly forgiving of Foster’s choices and decisions, but I definitely loved watching him fight for Talia the whole way through!

Garnet Flats has:

✨ second chances

✨ loads of secrets!

✨ a damn good grovel

✨ small town montana

✨ the incredible eden family

✨ a beautiful, stubborn and hard working nurse

✨ a sexy, difficult and determined MMA fighter

✨ twists that will surprise you

✨ and a whole heap of feels

When you read the blurb for this book, you’re thinking of all the worst case situations and just how could someone forgive the man they love after he married their best friend. Right? Yeah, I went in with that same thought. I held so much resentment for Foster without even knowing him. I was Team Talia all through the book, but I gotta say, Foster’s grovelling and the way he won over Talia really helped me love him as a character. I admire authors who can make you second guess any one of the characters in the book, because even though they have the makings of awesomeness, I like them to be flawed. And Foster’s biggest flaw is the way he hurt Talia.

It’s no surprise that I loved Talia. I loved her spirit, her ambition and her drive. I love how despite the way things are going at work, she doesn’t give up. Talia’s stubbornness works in her favour in certain situations and definitely in a work environment for sure. I loved her bond with her family, the ease with which she connects with her siblings and parents. I admired her strength when she was facing Foster for the first time and how she battled the emotions that being around him brought out in her again. Foster is a complex character and I loved that about him. What you see is what you get, but, there’s so much more to him. I liked that with each chapter, we see another layer peeled back and more of Foster shown to us. I truly loved watching him grow into a character I could love.

“Foster Madden had a presence as powerful as a thunderclap. I was the woman who’d always loved his wild storm.”

Devney Perry writes great romance, there’s absolutely no doubt about that, but she really took things in a different direction here and I loved that. In my opinion, the ‘miscommunication’ trope was handled really well here. Because there’s so much to unwrap and talk about, and I liked that it didn’t all happen at once and things didn’t become smoothened out early on. I loved how much Foster had to work for Talia’s forgiveness, for her love and for another chance to be with her. I appreciated that she didn’t make it easy on him, even when they were falling into bed together and kissing more often than she’d like. It was pretty great!

I absolutely and completely loved the teaser for the next book and can’t wait to read it, plus, I’m really eager for the rest of the series, because the Eden family has my whole heart!

Thanks to Valentine PR for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

One response to “Review: “Garnet Flats” by Devney Perry”

  1. […] met Jasper in Garnet Flats and only seen him through Talia and Foster’s eyes, to see him so open in his own book was […]


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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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