Review: “Good Girl Fail” by Roni Loren

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: January 17th, 2022

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CW: loss of parents, strict upbringing

O’Neal Lory has been taught that one mistake can undo an entire life of right decisions. That it doesn’t matter if a person has been good ninety-nine percent of the time. One misstep, one snap judgment, can derail everything. So, she’s taken a lot of right steps on the straight and narrow path. Eighteen years of them, in fact. Perfect grades. No rules broken. And definitely no boys.

Until she kisses him.

Auden Blake knows he shouldn’t touch his little sister’s best friend, knows that innocent girls like her should stay far, far away from him and his roommate Lennox—especially when she could reveal their behind-closed-doors activities to his family. But when sheltered O’Neal goes rogue, ditching her scholarship to a conservative all-girls college and showing up at Bennette State—his school—instead, it’s going to take everything Auden has to keep his and Lennox’s hands off the curious good girl whose teach me vibes could unravel them both.


I’m the kind of Roni Loren fan that will blindly submit myself to reading every single book she writes. I’ve been working through her backlist slowly, but one day, I will have read everything because I am so completely captivated by her storytelling. It’s not just the plots and unique twists that she writes, it’s the way her characters grow on the page as you read the story. And in Good Girl Fail, you get to see that in so many more ways than I thought possible.

In Good Girl Fail, you’ll find:

✨ a polyamorous relationship (MMF/MFM)

✨ new adult

✨ best friend’s brother

✨ sheltered FMC coming into her own

✨ roommates falling for each other

✨ lessons in kink and BDSM

✨ secret relationships and experimentation

This review is going to be as brief as possible, because if I say too much, it’ll take away from the story itself. O’Neal (what an awesome name) was raised by her grandparents and lived an extremely sheltered and Christian life. Her dreams include doing what she wants as opposed to what her grandparents want from her. When she breaks all the rules and applies to a college her family doesn’t approve of, they cut her off and leave O’Neal to fend for herself. Except, what none of them realise is that by going to this different college, she’s thrust into the life of the only boy she’s ever had a crush on—Auden. And with Auden comes his best friend-slash-roommate, Lennox. And the two of them have a lot more going on than you’d think.

I love that this story was told from all three perspectives, that we got to see them deal with this relationship and the struggles and confusion that works its way into their minds. O’Neal’s growth in this story was just so wonderful and I loved how she took cautious steps in her adventures with Auden and Lennox. O’Neal and Auden have the most wonderful relationship, stemming from having known each other before and growing up in conservative and controlling environments in the past. But it’s O’Neal’s connection and bond with Lennox that really made me tear up a few times. Lennox is such an incredible character and I can’t wait for more people to fall in love with him.

“O’Neal kept surprising him at every turn. She was fire trapped under glass. Her upbringing had deprived her of the necessary oxygen, but now that she was out on her own, the flames were starting to grow. She couldn’t yet name what she wanted or desired or craved, but she let herself feel things, allowed herself to sink into those feelings when they happened.”

And obviously this is a ridiculously hot book, which is expected given that Roni writes really good steam. I loved how much attention was paid to the lessons and learning about sex and discovering what works and what doesn’t. I appreciated how much attention was put on the topic of ‘consent’ and how it’s introduced into O’Neal’s sexual relationship with both men. This book is hot, in every way you can possibly think it would be and I loved it even more because of that.

Thanks to Roni Loren for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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