Review: “Not As Planned” by Harlow James

Series: The Ladies Who Brunch #4

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: January 27th, 2023

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CW: mentions of cancer, infertility

Harlow James’ Ladies Who Brunch series is made up of the most amazing friendships ever. That’s the thing I love most about these books. The four women who spend their Sundays drinking and talking and having a good time are truly such an incredible group. And then you add in fantastic steam, entertaining humour and gorgeous men; you have a series that will keep you hooked! From the first book, I’ve been waiting to see what would happen with Noelle as she embarks on her journey to have a child on her own and it was so beautiful! The doubts, the guilty, the struggles and the friendships continue to be so wonderfully written. 

In Not As Planned, you’ll find:

✨ great friends groups

✨ strangers to friends to lovers

✨ single mother

✨ insta love/lust

✨ slow burn

✨ age gap

✨ wide open doors

✨ opposites attract

Noelle and Grant’s story is swoony, no doubt. It’s got all the makings of absolute magic and wonder and I loved how Harlow handled the combination of their romance and Scarlett being present in all of the scenes. Their meet cute was absolutely adorable and every interaction they have after that is so great. The chemistry is out of this world, but that doesn’t surprise me because Harlow James does chemistry and banter so well. Watching Grant and Noelle navigate their friendship and connection was so great too.

I’m a sucker for a single parent romance, and obviously single dads are super awesome, but there’s something about a single mom that really hits the spot. Harlow did such an incredible job of showing us Noelle’s journey from the first book all the way into this one, plus, what it’s like after the baby is born and you’re trying to do it all. Grant walking into their life and putting both Noelle and Scarlett on his priority list was definitely the swoon factor I was hoping for. I loved how he incorporated the little girl into all their plans and made sure that Noelle was safe and comfortable at all times when she was with him.

Now I cannot wait for Jeffery’s book, because he’s always been such an entertaining character through the series!

Thanks to Harlow James for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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