Review: “Say You Love Me Again” by Carrie Aarons

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: February 24th, 2023

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CW: postpartum depression, infidelity, divorce

I have a very soft corner for all of Carrie Aarons’ books and this one was no different. It’s a second chance romance between two people who were once married and have been divorced for seven years while trying to co-parent and just exist in the same world without letting it break them even further. Sophie and Levi were so great and Hart was fantastic. Carrie always gives you enough about the secondary characters to be totally invested in them by the time you’re done reading the book, so I knew that I was going to love Judd and Dane and Ariana and want more of their stories too. But this was a unique take on the relationship in crisis trope, in a way. Mostly because Sophie and Levi haven’t been together for a few years, but the love never died and there’s so much to overcome before they can give each other what they want.

It’s angsty, it’s emotional, it’s fun and sexy. Carrie does all of those things well. With Levi and Sophie spending time together because of their daughter, battling Hollywood rumours and fighting against the tide; this story will hook you from the first chapter and keep you in its grasp all the way till the end. And Carrie tackled such an important topic that I believe more romances should feature—postpartum depression and how it affects parents in so many different ways. Sophie’s struggles draw you to her, but also makes you see how strong she is to work through it and overcome it, even if it all happened slowly.

“You were never my second choice. If anything, you’re the only woman I’ve ever seen. The world could be crumbling, and my focus would never stray from you.”

Sophie and Levi’s relationship is complicated and when forced into tight spaces for a long tour—Levi’s a famous musician and Sophie’s a well-known model—everything explodes. I loved their open and honest conversations, even if they were sometimes yelling the words at each other. There’s so much talking and understanding and rehashing and dealing with their past mistakes and struggles and overcoming all of their demons. I appreciated the time and effort they put into figuring out if and how they were going to work as a couple if they gave it another shot.

I enjoyed this very much and cannot wait to see more of Sophie and Levi. And of course, Dane!

Thanks to Carrie Aarons for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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