Review: “The Troublemaker” by Jessica Peterson

Series: Sex & Bonds #2

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Release Date: May 18th, 2023

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CW: mentions of drug use and overdose, death of a sibling (past, off-page)

Review: Jessica Peterson can truly take tropes that make me nervous or ones that I don’t like and turn them into something so beautiful. And she did that with the virgin trope in The Troublemaker. I loved every minute of this book and wanted to drag it out as much as possible. The relationship between Greer and Brooks was so wholesome, while being absolutely filthy at the same time. I loved that he had a legitimate reason for being a grump, but not entirely a growly one. He’s soft in all the right ways and kind and loving in all the others. Greer is awkward at times, but it’s not her entire personality. She’s confident and forward and asks for what she wants. She’s a little scared at times, but the woman goes after her desires and that made me love her even more.

And made me love Greer and Brooks so much too.

“Want another?” 

“Yes,” he says, even as he shakes his head. “But I don’t eat sweets.” 

“You just did, though.”

“I only eat your sweets.”

Another thing Jessica Peterson does well? Sex scenes. They’re about so much more than the sex itself, it’s about the emotions and the feelings that go into those scenes. Especially with Greer being a virgin, that was done beautifully. Their relationship in general was so wonderful, showing a building of connection, love and affection. Showing you just how deep their history goes, while also making you fall in love with their present relationship.

Just…loved it so much. Can’t wait for more from this series!

Thanks to Valentine PR for generously providing me with an advance copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Hi! I’m Anna P. and welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading romance exclusively since 2010 and been reviewing and blogging for a few years since. In 2021, I published my debut romance novel that can be found on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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